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Calle París, 45  Entresuelo 3ª
08029 Barcelona

Phone: +(34) 932 906 825
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Email: info@dev.opt-media.netrscXNq
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¿Qué bancos siguen aplicando cláusulas Suelo?

A pesar de declararse nulas aún encontramos entidades bancarias que aplican las cláusulas suelo a sus clientes. Pida información y le ayudaremos.


When it comes to criminal law we refer to the legal rules governing the disciplinary powers of the state.

 Bufete Borrell in Barcelona, ​​offers a counseling service for victims of crimes and misdemeanors.

With great lawyers specializing in criminal law, our firm Borrell works in assisting in police stations as well as also be attending the proceedings that may occur later in the police courts.

Do not hesitate to contact us, our professionals will be there to advise you.